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Empowering Women in Gaming: Insights from Last Week’s Webinar

Last Friday, we had the incredible opportunity to attend the much-anticipated Women in Gaming Africa Webinar, and it turned out to be an event that was incredibly inspiring. Hosted by Kelly Kehn (co-founder of the All-in Diversity Project), the session brought together a group of speakers and participants from diverse backgrounds, all united by a shared passion for empowering women in the gaming industry.

Women in Gaming Africa Founder, Lois Bright, kickstarted an engaging and insightful webinar, showcasing her passion for this organization and, with Kelly Kehn, set the tone for the event with an insightful introduction, emphasizing the critical role of mentorship, networking, and support systems for women. Their words resonated deeply with many of the attendees, as they highlighted how these elements are essential in breaking barriers and fostering growth in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

Kelly opened the floor to the distinguished panel of ambassadors, representing both African and international perspectives, who shared their unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs in the gaming world. Their words were not only eye-opening but also incredibly motivating, offering a diverse range of insights into the current landscape for women in gaming.

The panelists spoke to the importance of having a mentor, how this can significantly impact one’s career trajectory, providing guidance, encouragement, and valuable industry insights. Building strong networks also emerged as a central theme. The panelists shared practical advice on how to effectively network, stressing the importance of building genuine connections and seeking out supportive communities, like the Women in Gaming Africa community.

The webinar was not just about identifying challenges; it was about celebrating the opportunities and great strides of women in gaming. The stories of success and resilience shared by the panelists were a testament to the potential of women in gaming. It was clear that the event was more than just insights; it provided a platform for women to support women. The collective energy and determination to drive positive change in the gaming industry were palpable, leaving all feeling empowered and motivated.

The prize draw sponsored by Betway and iGaming Academy gave an exciting element to the webinar, creating a lively atmosphere engaging the participants. WA Technology’s generous sponsorship played a crucial role in making this webinar possible. Their support underscored the importance of industry collaboration within the gaming industry.

If you missed the webinar, I highly recommend watching the recorded session and attending future events hosted by this remarkable community. You can find this Webinar recording on the Women in Gaming Africa YouTube Channel via this link: